what is this??
who are they??
any ideas??
if the answer is no ….. really nooo then know about us.
We are a group of authors who publish nautical science study material in a single language as an exam friendly content to the webpage for students who appear for exams like DNS(Diploma in nautical science leading to bsc), Bsc nautical science,2nd mate and all the exams related to nautical science.
‘we’ means you and me; reader and wherever I introduce naututor I will use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ because u were also included in naututor team
together we can say Naututor- NAUTICAL SCIENCE TUTOR for everyone who wants to gain knowledge in nautical science.
wooohooooooo, If you want to help me (ohh, sorry it’s ‘us’) so once again,
if you want to help us with articles about navigation, meteorology, stability, ship construction, physics, maths, marine engineering knowledge, etc feel proud to send us those articles we will approve and post in our webpage(it’s really our webpage) with your name, or your collage name(whatever you like 🙂 )
and contact details are given on contact us
contribute and help us to improve our webpage, make this website as a marine encyclopedia.
thank you,
by team naututor (without you! we are not a team)